That's right, folks! It's time for even more shots captured by your favorite Parisian-on-the-go. First off, the view through the twisty iron bars of our building's window frames:

Artfully-executed, colorful park graffiti on boulevard de Choisy (you can't quite tell, but that blob in the middle is a yellow furry anthropomorphic DJ):

The store window of a theatre shop, with some cool plague-style doctor's masques:

Cute little outdoor café in the Odéon area:

Super creepy huge face (it takes up the whole front door of a company in Chinatown), with a well-placed peephole. If Big Brother were Asian and of Ambigiuous Gender, (s)he would look like this:

Keeping with the Asian theme, here's a delicious "pho-to" of homemade chicken and prawn pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) complete with basil and mint from our window box. The key ingredient, we learned, is a fragrant herb known as culantro, or Thai parsley).

A pretty sweet wine bar, with a few of my friends outside. You can borrow their glass bottles to buy wine to "emporter" (take away) for as little as 3.50 a litre:

Oddly sexual Adrian Brody graffiti. Any idea what the explanation is behind this? I'm stumped.

How to take away the sketchy factor of a white, window-less van: paint it with the world. When this van leaves the city, you can't even see it anymore:

Cool graffiti on rue de la Glacière, not far from where I live. It reminded me of Avatar:

A super-cute rhino cheese knife that I got scolded for taking a photo of in BHV (France's high-end department store...somewhat between Macy's and Lord and Taylor):

In French, "tampon" can refer to a stamp, and ink pad, a scouring pad or, of course, the feminine hygiene product dearest to our hearts--or somewhere. "Faux-amis" and homonyms aside--it still makes me cringe to see the word next to steel wool:

Transgender street graffiti left over from the Pride walk a month ago (and some multi-gendered feet):

Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) statue near Tuileries:

The buses have their own traffic lights here:

America has Walmart and France has Tati--the super cheap, buy-everything crap store. However, Tati has something that even Walmart doesn't dare to touch: a wedding section.

Super creepy Evian ad for their "live young" campaign:

A pretty fountain, just outside the free summer outdoor cinema at Parc de la Villette:

After our own difficulties moving our own limited amount of belongings down and up five flights of stairs when we moved, I wondered how real Parisians with larger apartments, furniture, the works managed to do it. The answer: they hire moving companies with cherry picker platforms to hoist everything right up to a top-floor window. Nifty:

Too funny--Noddy, the kid's show, apparently translates to "Oui-Oui" in French:

Magritte-inspired street graffiti:

And to finish her off, ladies and gentleman, I give you the most difficult French word for foreigners to pronounce--"Serr-ur-er-ie" (Locksmith):
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