*I was touched by the amount of food/drink my friends had waiting for me...including cider and waffles with raspberries (because maple syrup is, famously, for the uninspired). They remembered my favorites!
*Finally ate the jalapeno/mushroom/swiss burger I've been lusting after ever since I got home, washed down with a pitcher of my favorite cheap beer.
*Tied for third in pub trivia and got several hugs from my friend, the toothless bar lady, who loves me because I remember her name.
*Successfully (and deliciously) mulled and spiked cider at 2am.
*Was impressed by how much one of my best friends has grown from angry young man to a clean-housed, suit-and-tie adult now that he's working for the man instead of raging him ("business casual" Crocs notwithstanding)
*Was touched (and slightly nauseated) by the adorable behavior of my two recently-engaged friends.
*Rediscovered the magical power of a cheap Mexican food brunch to ward off a hangover.
*Was completely lost in the face of my friends' newfound Trekkie nerdiness, and subsequently grateful that I live in a city that has more to offer for distraction than Star Trek reruns.
*Wrestled a beautiful but mouthy Burmese Mountain Dog puppy that has gained about 60 lbs in the 4 month since I last saw him (it's like it ate a small child. Holy crap).
*Upon my return home, cringed at the dried dog drool on my clothing and was promptly snubbed by my cat.
All-in-all, great weekend. Now off to pack and run a few pre-flight errands...
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